Heart transplant for boy stymied by Northern Ireland assembly deadlock | The Guardian 14/02/2023 In Politics, UK https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/feb/14/heart-transplant-boy-daithi-mac-gabhann-northern-ireland-assembly-deadlock?CMP=share_btn_tw #Northern Ireland protocol #organ donation Deal on Northern Ireland protocol could be struck next week, sources say | The Guardian European Commission contacts Sweden over plans to deport British woman Related Posts Gateshead pigeon racer warns that Brexit red tape could destroy the sport he loves – Chronicle Live Brexit: Think lorry queues are bad now? It’s going to get a lot worse – here’s why | The London Economic Passport warning for Brit travellers as they could be banned from entering EU | Mirror Online Police probe and scandal ‘have not harmed SNP’, says John Curtice | The National