‘Disbelief’ as US-UK trade deals under threat after Britain axes negotiators | The Observer 29/06/2024 In Trade, UK “Business community decries ‘act of arson’.” https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jun/29/disbelief-as-us-uk-trade-deals-under-threat-after-britain-axes-negotiators #ambassadors #Trade #UK #US ‘Conspiracy of silence’: Why Brexit has been largely absent from UK election campaign | France 24 Labour won’t get quick fix on EU | The New European Related Posts Scaramucci says UK should have another referendum on Brexit | YouTube/CNBC UK firms face IBAN discrimination across EU as GB payments are refused Britain’s economy is worse than Japan in 1990s stagflation | Bloomberg Tories must admit the lies of Brexit to save the economy – and themselves | New Statesman