‘We’re in danger of being the doom and gloom government’: can Starmer’s hardline strategy actually work? | The Observer 01/09/2024 In Politics, UK “The prime minister’s grim rose-garden message hasn’t impressed voters.” https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/sep/01/doom-and-gloom-starmer-hardline-strategy-pm-rose-garden-voters #doom #gloom #Labour #Starmer #UK Why are Starmer and Reeves so determined to bring Britain down? | The Observer We need to talk about illegal meat imports | Food Manufacture Related Posts Research shows catastrophic impact of Brexit on UK economy | The London Economic Starmer’s right to move EU relations back to Cabinet Office | UK in a Changing Europe EU referendum was only advisory and lacked safeguards against lies | Yorkshire Post Letters Life after Brexit – Britons predict more expensive food prices and falling EU migration | London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com