A20 Dover TAP and Sevington chaos predictions as hauliers brace for even more complicated post-Brexit checks | Kent Online 14/02/2022 In Industry, Trade, UK “Haulage industry bosses predict gridlocked roads and disastrous border delays in Kent.” https://www.kentonline.co.uk/kent/news/you-think-dovers-bad-now-its-about-to-get-a-lot-worse-262177/?fbclid=IwAR06EpUZD_N5J9oQ33r6HU9FcHTx8wtuBISphB9t2z5XXsO51oKe_sII56w #checks #delays #Dover Aycliffe residents ‘kept up all night’ by lorries on A20 beeping in Brexit jams | Kent Live UK and Scottish government agree deal on freeports in Scotland Leave a Reply Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a comment. Related Posts Sharp fall recorded in UK’s post-Brexit trade figures | Chinadaily.com.cn Labour’s run to the right is pushing Scotland towards independence | OpenDemocracy Brexit went badly wrong and businesses are suffering, says Wales First Minister | iNews Recent challenges faced by food and drink businesses and their impact on prices | ONS