Swift: EU leaders line up to back banning Russia from banking network | The Guardian 26/02/2022 In EU, Politics “More EU countries including France, Italy and Greece have said they would back a ban on Russia using the Swift global banking network.” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/feb/26/swift-eu-leaders-line-up-to-back-banning-russia-from-banking-network?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other #banking network #Swift Ukraine crisis underlines importance of European unity and the futility of Brexit | Rejoin EU Party Pig industry facing ‘biggest crisis’ for 25 years, says Norfolk farmer | BBC News Leave a Reply Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a comment. Related Posts A Brexiter MP blamed France for the Dover travel chaos and the response was what you’d expect | HuffPost UK Politics Apply for UK to join EU as full member ASAP | UK Parliamentary Petitions US raises concerns about NI protocol Bill with London ‘at multiple levels’ | Irish Times The shadow of Brexit and the future of Conservatism | The Rejoin EU Party