Why Brexit made Dover gridlock inevitable | The Independent 22/07/2022 In Politics, UK “Exclusive: From ‘Amber Plus’ to ‘Critical Incident’: the Leavers’ lesson bound to happen.” https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/dover-critical-incident-brexit-chaos-b2129166.html #critical incident #Dover #gridlock #inevitable EU launches new Brexit legal action after MPs back Johnson’s plan to rip up deal | Mirror Online Brexit blamed for Dover gridlock on second day of travel chaos Leave a Reply Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a comment. Related Posts Royaume-Uni: deux ans après, le Brexit est-il responsable des mouvements sociaux qui secouent le pays? | France Info Brexit: no British beef exported to Australia despite trade deal | NationalWorld Bobby McDonagh: UK reneging on protocol would further unsettle the North | Irish Times UK ‘pandering to EU’ over Northern Ireland Protocol | Belfast News Letter