‘When mourning ends, reality will hit hard’: European journalists on Britain’s mood | The Guardian 17/09/2022 In Politics, UK “UK-based correspondents assess how Britons will deal with political turmoil, Brexit, recession and the loss of the queen.” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/sep/16/when-mourning-ends-reality-will-hit-hard-european-journalists-on-britains-mood #Brexit #European journalists #mourning #political turmoil #Queen #recession Is the Pound Close to Breaking Point? | East African Business Week Name one thing that hasn’t gone downhill since Brexit – I dare you | Letters | The Independent Related Posts Brexit regrets reach all-time high – majority now wants to re-join EU | UK Polling Report Reader letter: ‘Pig-headedness of those who deny Brexit is a disaster’ | Bradford Telegraph & Argus Scottish independence or unmitigated British nationalism is our choice | The National Just a year of Brexit has thumped UK’s economy and businesses | Bloomberg