Brexit bonfire of environment regulations will kill otters, dolphins and birds, warn conservationists | iNews 24/09/2022 In UK “Government’s plan to ‘streamline’ environmental regulations could put dormice, porpoises and bats under threat.” #bats #dormice #environment #porpoises #wildlife British retailers welcome planned return of VAT-free shopping for tourists Odey’s hedge fund soars 145% on bets against UK bonds – sources | Reuters Related Posts UK dairy firms try to count the cost of churn in post-Brexit trade | The Guardian Inside airport chaos: Pilots loading luggage, ‘mountains’ of bags and fears travel crisis may last until 2023 | iNews Union and business join forces to call for PM to place UK manufacturing at heart of roadmap for much-needed jobs Britons will have to pay for entry to the EU from 2022: Bloc to demand cash and pre-approval as post-Brexit trips to Europe are no longer for free | City AM