Europe has the door open for an independent Scotland, German MEP tells SNP conference | The National 08/10/2022 In Politics, UK “He also stressed that Europe is no longer paying attention to Westminster when it comes to Brexit.” #German MEP #independent Scotland #SNP conference #Westminster Remain lead over leave increases to largest since Brexit | What UK Thinks: EU Resolve Northern Ireland protocol or face more political chaos, warns DUP head Related Posts ‘We’re in danger of being the doom and gloom government’: can Starmer’s hardline strategy actually work? | The Observer UK ‘playing a very dangerous game’ by inflaming tensions over Brexit, warns EU commissioner Mairead McGuinness | MPs ‘shutting their eyes’ to the harm Brexit has caused – SNP | The London Economic RBC forecasts crisis-era lows for pound sterling against the euro and dollar in 2022 | Pound Sterling Live