‘Rejoiners’ march on Westminster to demand new Brexit vote | Evening Standard 22/10/2022 In EU, Politics, UK “As they set off, crowds chanted “b******s to Brexit” while holding a banner that read ‘We want our star back’.” https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/brexit-vote-parliament-square-rejoin-march-westminster-london-b1034577.html?s=08 #National Rejoin March #New Brexit vote #star #Westminster Thousands of Rejoiners march on London claiming ‘You’ve wrecked economy’ | Daily Express Thousands of London protesters call for UK to rejoin EU Related Posts Turn away from Trump and look to EU for trade, say voters | iNews Lorry drivers still getting lost in Mersham on way to Brexit lorry park in Ashford | Kent Online Tory candidate in Wakefield by-election said Brexit ‘built on lies’ and regretted voting for it | The Independent Bureaucratic Brexit checks have begun and are hitting British businesses when they’re at their most vulnerable | inews