Testing The Temperature: What do Northern Ireland voters think about the Ireland/NI protocol? | Queen’s University Belfast 28/10/2022 In Politics, UK “More than six in 10 respondents (62%) don’t think Brexit is overall a good thing for the UK.” https://www.qub.ac.uk/sites/post-brexit-governance-ni/ProjectPublications/OpinionPolling/TestingTheTemperature6/ #Northern Ireland protocol #poll #survey Sunak may deprioritise Brexit bill to switch off 2,400 EU laws Brexit threatens animal-welfare laws, warns RSPCA | The Independent Related Posts ‘Mutual free movement’ for UK and EU citizens supported by 84% of Brits in stunning new poll | Yorkshire Bylines Half the public think Britain is heading in wrong direction | Ipsos MORI Brexit Legacy Is Hotter UK Inflation Risk for Years to Come | Bloomberg Labour could win increased majority by turning against Brexit, new poll finds | The Constitution Society