I once sold cheese to Europe. Brexit took my business to the brink of destruction | The Guardian 18/11/2022 In Trade, UK “Prohibitive export charges and paperwork have shattered the bright future promised to small British businesses like mine.” https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/nov/18/europe-brexit-business-export-paperwork-british?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter #Cheshire Cheese #export charges #paperwork #Spurrell Government’s ‘own goals’ made UK economy worse, economists say | The Independent UK opposition parties to table amendments to delay deletion of 4,000 EU laws Related Posts VIDEO: “Brexit – What Rejoiners Can Learn from UKIP” | The Federal Trust Brexit and Beer: A bad hangover for British brewers? | Dublin City University Brexit Institute Brexit changes on imported animals, food and flowers | The London Economic It could be said the EU was never going to offer Britain a Switzerland-style deal | City AM