‘Brits are suffering, but for us it’s boom time’: how Brexit boosted French and Irish ports | The Guardian 26/02/2023 In EU, Industry, Trade, UK “The cheapest way from Ireland to France used to be via Dover. But now Cherbourg and Rosslare are thriving.” https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/feb/25/ports-france-ireland-brexit-cherbourg-rosslare #France #Ireland #ports Sunak warned of Tory chaos over Northern Ireland protocol deal ‘Brits are suffering, but for us it’s boom time’: how Brexit boosted French and Irish ports | The Guardian Related Posts Twenty reasons why there is an HGV driver shortage – part one: 1-10 [Indusutry] ‘It’s catastrophic’: Italian restaurants in London struggle to find staff post-Brexit | The Observer Will Britain Survive? | The Atlantic Shortage of vets getting worse because of Brexit, MPs warn | Sky News