‘Take back control’? With this Pacific trade deal, Brexit Britain has just signed it away | The Guardian 01/04/2023 In Politics, Trade, UK https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/mar/31/pacific-trade-deal-brexit-britain-food-standards-economic-benefit?CMP=share_btn_tw #Brexit Britain #control #CPTPP #trans-pacific trade deal UK’s Brexit trade deal with Malaysia has potential to flood market with dirty palm oil | Byline Times Why Brexit is to blame for holiday traffic chaos at Dover | The Independent Related Posts Why Britain joining the CPTPP is clearly not about the economy | South China Morning Post Davey urges Starmer to ‘Trump-proof’ UK with closer European ties | The Guardian ‘It’s a betrayal’: Cornish fishing vote turns against Tories over Brexit deal | The Observer State Street to move ‘substantive portion’ of European GlobalLink staff to Dublin due to Brexit | Independent.ie