‘I was in tears’: Briton with valid passport barred from flight over Brexit rules | The Guardian 29/04/2023 In UK “I lost the cost of the flight and the accommodation I’d booked – I’d been so looking forward to seeing my son – all because a load of w*nkers voted for Brexit.” https://www.theguardian.com/money/2023/apr/29/briton-valid-passport-barred-from-flight-brexit-rules-eu?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other #Brexit rules #passport More fruit and veg shortages to come as weather in UK and Spain hits crops | The Guardian ‘I was in tears’: Briton with valid passport barred from flight over Brexit rules Related Posts Britain’s just not that into Northern Ireland | Irish Border Poll A Brexit headwind the UK recovery could do without | The Sunday Times Poll shows 68% of voters want an independent Scotland to re-join EU | Believe In Scotland ‘Action calls for reaction’: EU ambassador warns Britain over Brexit protocol row | Irish Examiner