Poll puts Scottish independence in lead amid calls for Yes alliance | The National 13/06/2023 In Politics, Polls, UK “Alba has said the results bolster its argument for a pro-Yes coalition to contest next year’s general election.” https://www.thenational.scot/news/23583486.poll-puts-scottish-independence-lead-amid-calls-yes-alliance/ #Alba #alliance #coalition #independence #poll #Scotland UK bill to revoke EU laws could have ‘negative impact on trade’, Brussels warns | PressReader/Euronews Johnson ‘absolutely gone full Trump’, Campbell says | CNN Related Posts Spain travel warning issued for Britons ahead of Easter and summer holidays | Mirror Online [EU[ Sunak ‘annoys folk across EU’ with claim about EPC summit | The National Fears of turkey shortage at Christmas as poultry farmers warn of staff and supply issues | ITV News Anglia Opinion: Is Brexit a Martian plan to kill food production