Break-up of Britain conference to salute Tom Nairn set for Edinburgh | The National 30/06/2023 In Politics, UK “Neal Ascherson, Caroline Lucas and Lesley Riddoch will be among the writers, activists and politicians gathering in Scotland later this year for a conference on “the break-up of Britain.” #break-up of Britain #conference #Scotland Break-up of Britain conference to salute Tom Nairn set for Edinburgh | The National Fears for British car production unless deal struck with EU, despite best May in four years | Sky News Related Posts British empire nostalgia played part in Brexit vote, says Nobel laureate | The Guardian Flower expert issues grim Valentine’s Day warning as ‘Brexit could cause shortage’ | Mirror Online Brexit reduced UK exports by £27bn, with smaller businesses taking biggest hit | The Grocer ‘When mourning ends, reality will hit hard’: European journalists on Britain’s mood | The Guardian