Ursula von der Leyen says ‘direction of travel’ is EU membership for Ukraine | The Guardian 04/07/2023 In EU, Euro News, Politics “European Commission head is seeking to curb Russian influence in central and eastern Europe.” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jul/03/ursula-von-der-leyen-wants-ukraine-and-moldova-in-eu-within-four-years?CMP=share_btn_tw #European Commission #Russia #Von der Leyen Brexit poll: Should UK seek to rejoin EU single market? | Express.co.uk UK is now the only major economy where inflation is still rising | CNBC Related Posts The Tories’ Brexit obsession has no future in a changing Britain. They just won’t admit it | The Guardian Brexit Britain fishermen face £199 fee to export catch to EU | Express.co.uk US raises concerns about NI protocol Bill with London ‘at multiple levels’ | Irish Times MPs demand answers over post-Brexit card-fees hike | The London Economic