What does BrewDog’s James Watt think about Brexit? | Morning Advertiser 15/07/2023 In Industry, UK “Brexit has just made things so difficult.” https://www.morningadvertiser.co.uk/Article/2023/07/14/What-does-BrewDog-James-Watt-think-about-Brexit #beer #Brewdog #brewing #Watt Pound climbs to $1.30 as UK’s rate gap to G-10 peers widens | BNN Bloomberg Johnson’s new neighbours brutally taunt him with EU flags in their gardens | Mirror Online Related Posts Hundreds rally in London, urging Britain’s return to EU | SA News Zone Safety and security declarations for EU imports postponed | The Grocer Experts believe Union is now on ‘a shoogly peg’ as King Charles replaces Queen | The National English politicians are waving the union jack, but its meaning is tattered and torn | Politics | The Guardian