FTSE finance chiefs: Rates, inflation and growth squeeze executives’ confidence 17/07/2023 In Business, Industry, Polls, UK https://www.cityam.com/interest-rate-and-inflation-fears-send-ftse-finances-chiefs-wobbling/?utm_source=CityAM&utm_campaign=0e49371d33-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2023_07_17_05_57&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-0e49371d33-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D #City #confidence #finance chiefs #survey UK and EU need better security cooperation – or we’ll all be worse off | The New European Imports from Britain fell by 34% in 12 months | CSO Related Posts Britain’s era of cheap food is over, warn economists | Daily Telegraph Food supplies set to worsen as new Brexit red tape is introduced within weeks, businesses warn | The Independent Key Climate Talks Are Headed for Trouble After G-7 Wrangling | Bloomberg Government accused of breaking promise to North on post-Brexit funding | Evening Standard