Le CAC 40 dépasse la Bourse de Londres pour la première fois en 20 ans | Le Figaro/AFP 28/08/2023 In Business, EU, UK “Such a situation hasn’t happened since 2000.” https://www.lefigaro.fr/conjoncture/le-cac-40-depasse-la-bourse-de-londres-pour-la-premiere-fois-en-20-ans-20230828 #CAC 40 #France #FTSE 100 #London #Paris #UK Ex-NFU chief economist, Sean Rickard, shares his candid views on Brexit, food, farming and more | YouTube British musicians say they are losing out on gigs and jobs in Europe since Brexit | Euronews Related Posts EU will demand Labour’s Brexit plan involves European Court | Politico EU to Escalate Legal Action Against UK Over Northern Ireland | Bloomberg Labour’s EU policy will do little to address economic impact of Brexit, says think-tank | The Guardian Labour needs to make the case for deeper EU alignment | FT