‘I’m ashamed to be a Brexit voter – it never occurred to me that my holidays would be affected’ | iNews 02/09/2023 In UK “A Hertfordshire gardener with a £43,000 farm in Umbria says he’s hoping to leave England for good.” https://inews.co.uk/news/world/ashamed-brexit-voter-holidays-affected-2581261 #gardener #holidays #migration #travel Gove’s housing plans are latest divergence from promised ‘green Brexit’ | The Guardian Follow the money: Conservative donors know Britain is crumbling | The Independent Related Posts Britain faces food shortages as 75% of seasonal work roles unfilled | The London Economic Thousands of Britons in France face further Brexit residency hurdle | The Local France Starmer must do more than offer to tinker with Johnson’s flawed Brexit deal | LabourList Dear Prime Minister…the time is now right to give voters another say on Brexit | Byline Supplement