Why I’ll be marching to rejoin EU | Sussex Bylines 11/09/2023 In Politics, UK “As the economic damage of Brexit becomes clearer, it becomes more important than ever to keep the campaign to re-join the EU alive.” https://sussexbylines.co.uk/news/brexit/why-ill-be-marching-to-rejoin-the-eu/ #campaign #economic damage #rejoin EU Rishi who? Sunak slips down pecking order in G20 scramble to court India | The Observer UK SMEs not ready for ‘avalanche’ of Brexit 2.0 rules and taxes | Financial Times Related Posts Travel chaos and flight cancellations will rule this summer | CNN Travel Brexit: ‘Remainers are entitled to go on making the argument’ | YouTube/BBC Brexit staff shortage a threat to Scots salmon farming | Herald Scotland Brexit’s pint-sized ‘benefits’ are a measure of its failure | The Observer