Business chiefs urge Labour to consider ‘fantastic’ plan to rejoin EU under new membership scheme | MSN/The Independent 24/09/2023 In Business, Politics, UK “When it comes to regulation and standards, at the moment we’re behaving as though we were in Europe – but with all this bureaucracy and costs damaging productivity and adding to inflation.” #business #EU membership Davey labelled ‘so weird’ for failing to answer Brexit question | The National I love Britain but I’m sick of Brexit, says Gibraltar chief minister | Sunday Telegraph Related Posts COP26: Tories fume as new Nicola Sturgeon ad calls Scotland a ‘nation in waiting’ | The National That backfired! Steve Bray’s legal fund balloons after police confiscate speakers | The London Economic Fresh delay to Brexit checks on EU imports being considered amid costliving crisis | The Independent Yorkshire businesses face wave of issues caused by post-Brexit trade rules | Yorkshire Post