We really could still rejoin EU. But Tory Britain’s not up to it | The Observer 01/10/2023 In Economy, Opinion, UK “Sunak can’t conceal the fact that he’s a low-tax, low regulation Brexiter.” https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/oct/01/we-really-could-still-rejoin-the-eu-but-tory-britain-isnt-up-to-it?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other #Brexiter #Sunak British exporters face hefty EU carbon tax bill after Sunak weakens climate policies | Financial Times New Brexit checks to cost UK business £330m a year | The Independent Related Posts Inflation Surge Puts U.K. on Track for the ‘Year of the Squeeze’ | Bloomberg The three mega-risks that could doom Boris’s high-wage gamble to disaster Brexit staff shortage a threat to Scots salmon farming | Herald Scotland Wealthy taxpayers pay thousands to claw back EU citizenship after Brexit | Daily Telegraph