Will support for Scottish independence go away? | UK in a changing Europe 09/11/2023 In Politics, UK “Disillusion with a cautiously reformist Starmer government might entrench Scottish liberal opinion in its increasing scepticism of the UK state.” https://ukandeu.ac.uk/will-support-for-scottish-independence-go-away/ #independence #liberal opinion #Scotland Brexit has damaged Britain’s ‘openness,’ says Bank of England governor Andrew Bailey | Evening Standard European Commission backs talks on Ukraine and Moldova EU membership | The Guardian Related Posts Beach filth forces Johnson U-turn ahead of climate talks | Bloomberg Brexit: Irish suppliers called in to save bacon of UK supermarkets serving Britons in Europe | Sky News Mark Drakeford warns ripping up Northern Ireland protocol would have ‘serious consequences’ | Wales Online Brexiter Tim Martin sees Wetherspoon suffer biggest loss ever | The National