A cocktail of toxins is poisoning our fields. Its effect on humans? Nobody can tell us | The Guardian 19/11/2023 In Environment, Opinion, UK “Our own government, as one of the ‘benefits’ of Brexit, has just decided to downgrade the safety information chemical companies have to provide to an ‘irreducible minimum’.” https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/nov/18/cocktail-toxins-poisoning-fields-humans-sewage-sludge-fighting-dirty?CMP=share_btn_tw #chemicals #regulation #sewage The Post-Brexit Educational Horizon | Royal Society of Edinburgh Scotland ‘would be welcomed back to EU with open arms’ | The National Related Posts Supermarkets face post-Brexit fruit and veg scarcity thanks to shortage of skilled pickers | Mirror Online Border protesters to tell Johnson to ‘back off’ plans to derail Northern Ireland Protocol | Independent.ie Referendum on changing the electoral system to proportional representation | UK Parliamentary Petitions Average UK household £8,800 a year worse off than those in France or Germany | The Guardian