Brexit’s pint-sized ‘benefits’ are a measure of its failure | The Observer 07/01/2024 In Economy, Opinion, UK “Wine in imperial measures, we’re told, ‘is what leaving was all about’, while UK struggles outside the single market.” #keegan #pint-sized benefits #wine Kent vegetable farmer says you need to be ‘half mad’ to do it – as more and more arable land sold off for housing | Kent Online Sunak outspending Trump on Facebook ads in desperate bid to stay in power | Mirror Online Related Posts Brexit is not the will of the people, freedom of movement is much needed | Yorkshire Post Letters Brexit has already cost £11.5 billion in trade, think tank says | Evening Standard Ukraine is fighting for what UK walked away from | East Anglia Bylines Brexit: Pet owners hit with £180 charge every time they take their dogs to continental Europe | Daily Telegraph