NHS medicines shortage putting lives at risk, pharmacists warn | The Guardian 15/01/2024 In Health Services, UK “Causes of the crisis are thought to include the plummeting purchasing value of the pound since the Brexit referendum.” https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/jan/14/nhs-medicines-shortage-putting-lives-at-risk-pharmacists-warn?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other #medicines #NHS Imports from Britain down one-quarter as Brexit ‘still having repercussions three years on’ | The Irish Times Even older voters now realise Brexit was a bad idea | Metro News Related Posts Cobra Beer founder warns of hurdles facing UK entrepreneurs | Forbes UK says importers making ‘deliberate errors’ on forms to avoid Brexit border charges | The Guardian New poll shows surge in Brits wanting to reverse Brexit | The London Economic Slough Sainsbury’s and Asda empty shelves as HGV drivers pinged | Slough Observer