Why cheese, fish and flowers could all cost more soon because of new Brexit rules | Sky News 27/01/2024 In Trade, UK “New regulations intended to protect biosecurity by imposing controls on plant and animal products mean the UK is ‘going back in time’, according to British importers and European suppliers.” https://news.sky.com/story/why-cheese-fish-and-flowers-could-all-soon-cost-more-because-of-new-brexit-rules-13057056?dcmp=snt-sf-twitter #biosecurity #Brexit regulations #importers Why Brexit is still not ‘done’ – and why it’s about to cause even more chaos | iNews Parma ham and Spanish chorizo to disappear from UK shelves due to new Brexit checks, Sunak warned | The Independent Related Posts Brexit “re-set” needs to move UK as close as possible to EU, business warns Starmer | iNews Channel tunnel should have made UK truly European, but didn’t. We must get back on track | Christian Wolmar | The Guardian Twenty reasons why there is an HGV driver shortage – part one: 1-10 Simon Calder posts annual reminder over border queues | The London Economic