Those who campaigned to ‘take back control’ didn’t appreciate Brexit might give more power to those seeking Irish unity | Sky News 03/02/2024 In Politics, UK “The New Northern Ireland First Minister represents a party that doesn’t acknowledge NI’s six counties are separate from the 26 counties in the Republic of Ireland “ #Irish unity #northern ireland #Sinn Fein We’re still paying the price of Johnson’s Brexit blunders – and now union is in peril | The Independent Penury and decay mark Brexit’s miserable anniversary | William Keegan | The Observer Related Posts Sunak and Starmer have capitulated to the Brexit zealots | New Statesman UK business confidence dips to lowest level since general election | The Guardian Transport sector has highest number of closed businesses; ParcelHero warns of escalating crisis | ParcelHero Weights and measures inspector pounds Johnson – ‘Sorry to dispel your latest bit of kite flying’ | The London Economic