Heseltine: Leaving the EU ‘an act of self-annihilation’ | London Economic 17/02/2024 In Politics, UK “We need to be at the centre of one of the great power blocs, not excluded from it.” https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/politics/lord-heseltine-leaving-the-eu-an-act-of-self-annihilation-368840/ #Heseltine Geert Wilders left stranded as Dutch coalition talks collapse | Politico Hoyle vowed to restore calm, but now faces Brexit-like chaos | The Guardian Related Posts Meeks, Keating, Blumenauer and Boyle Issue Statement on UK’s Threat to Invoke Article 16 of the Northern Ireland Protocol | House Foreign-Affairs Committee UK has only 5-15 days left of CO2 for meat production in worst-case scenario, says British Meat Processors Association | Channel 4 News “Irn-Bru shortage warning as deliveries suffer from HGV and supply-chain issues | HeraldScotland Post-Brexit UK water regulations to be set far below EU standards | Envirotech Online/The Guardian