Sign the petition – restore European freedom of movement for UK citizens

Lack of freedom of movement is biting after Brexit

The effects of Brexit have been widespread and profound. From empty supermarket shelves and higher prices to complex bureaucracy and restricted travel, we’ve all felt the strain.

Loss of freedom of movement (FoM) might be one of the worst felt. The freedom to travel, work, and live in Europe without the burden of visas and permits has been taken from us, affecting everything from professional opportunities to personal relationships and family ties.

We get many messages like these:

  • “FoM gave us the ability to live, work and study across Europe easily. Its removal has restricted opportunities for both current and future generations.”

  • “Can't travel easily to Europe even though we have family there. Can't stay longer than 90 days and limited FoM.”

  • “Have faced personal challenges with no FoM within the EU. Expensive, lengthy and complicated visa processes if you want to move to Europe and vice versa.”

Our economy is suffering and the costs are not just financial, but deeply personal. Families are separated, opportunities lost, and our quality of life diminished.

And it's much worse for the younger generation, who couldn’t even vote in 2016.

There will be a general election this year, an opportunity to change direction. We must restore freedom of movement for UK and EU citizens to travel, work and live across Europe including the UK.

That's why we're launching a petition to back up our call to restore our freedoms. By signing this petition, you’re supporting a call for the next government to negotiate the reinstatement of these essential rights.

Sign the Petition

Together, we can make a difference. Let’s restore the freedom that enriches our lives and strengthens our economy.

Thank you for your support.

Kind regards,

The Rejoin EU Party.

P.S. Every signature counts. Please share this email with friends, family, and colleagues to spread the word and amplify our call to action.

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