Polish economy soon to overtake UK? | YouTube 01/06/2024 In Economy, EU, UK, Videos “Just how bad is it in Poland? Surprisingly good, actually.” https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=tzJ8-QSeT7XLwqWF&v=ZmDSl9R-7bc&feature=youtu.be #economy #Poland Young people want Europe on the election agenda | North East Bylines Eurostar won’t have a rival for at least four years – and Brexit is to blame | City AM Related Posts UK government behaving like ‘buccaneers’ in Jersey fishing row, says Michel Barnier | The Independent ‘Steve Bray may be inconvenient, but he’s not a criminal’ – Sadiq Khan | LBC Dover port authorities seize over six tonnes of illegal meat | FarmingUK News UK has only 5-15 days left of CO2 for meat production in worst-case scenario, says British Meat Processors Association | Channel 4 News