A respectful question for Labour: do you have any real change? | The Observer 21/07/2024 In Economy, UK “Without a more positive fiscal policy and a boost to trade from re-joining the single market, it’s not obvious there’ll be a boost to growth.” https://www.theguardian.com/business/article/2024/jul/21/a-respectful-question-for-labour-do-you-have-any-real-change?CMP=share_btn_url #economy #growth #Labour #single market EU warns Starmer it won’t let him cherry-pick trade-offs in Brexit “re-set” | iNews Pressure builds on Starmer to go further in reversing the damage of Brexit | The Independent Related Posts New Brexit rules starting January 1 ‘dismay’ freight companies, MSPs hear | The National School trips to UK from EU could halve as Brexit hits cultural exchanges | School trips | The Guardian Four years after Brexit, what future forms of relationship with EU would Britons support? | YouGov Brexit bigger blow to UK economy than covid pandemic, financial watchdog says | Daily Record