‘I thought this was sorted’ – NI dog owner expresses shock as pet food withdrawn over Brexit Northern Ireland Protocol | News Letter 24/08/2024 In Trade, UK “I think we’ve been sold a pup.” https://www.newsletter.co.uk/news/politics/i-thought-this-was-sorted-ni-dog-owner-expresses-shock-as-pet-food-withdrawn-over-protocol-4746005 #dog owner #Northern Ireland protocol #pet food #Trade #Windsor Framework ‘Extortionate’ post-Brexit import charge is ‘inflationary’ and will increase food prices, industry body says | Yorkshire Post Port of Dover: Post-Brexit travel rules will ‘mimic Cold War regulations’ | The London Economic Related Posts Where’s our Singapore-on-Thames? Brexit backers feel let down by high-tax PM | The Sunday Times Britain has replaced Italy as Europe’s problem economy | The Washington Post Customs chaos disarms Napoleonic re-enactors | MSN/Daily Telegraph UK-US trade deal ‘remains distant’ | Reuters