Brexit denies a coach a dream move and English football is the poorer for it | The New European 13/09/2024 In EU, UK “Stockport County’s Andy Mangan was set to move to Real Madrid. But then Brexit intervened.” #Brexit #football #Mangan #sport #Stockport County #UK EU rules out loosening of post-Brexit restrictions on UK touring musicians | TheTicketingBusiness UK falling behind in attracting skilled foreign workers as visa rules and Brexit dog employers | Evening Standard Related Posts Prominent Brexiter Tim Martin has claimed he needs more EU workers | Birmingham Live Rail, ferry and Eurotunnel passengers to Europe face border chaos in 2022, warn transport chiefs | Yahoo News/The Independent John Bruton: UK ministers need to read the NI protocol they signed | Irish Times ‘Brexit has resulted in £100m a year in lost sales’ | The Herald