Poll shows majority of voters want another vote on Brexit ‘within five years’ | The London Economic 16/09/2024 In Politics, UK “Brexit fatigue is well and truly gripping voters.” https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/politics/will-uk-rejoin-eu-brexit-vote-second-referendum-five-years-382833/ #Brexit fatigue #referendum #UK #voters The UK government: where dishonesty and cowardice meet | Nation Cymru The £311bn Brexit bill – how much leaving EU will cost UK by 2035 | The London Economic Related Posts Letters: Hand all Russian donations to Tory party over to Ukraine relief effort | Swindon Advertiser Yorkshire’s last distant-water trawler left high & dry after UK walks away from Norway talks | Yorkshire Post UK faces unintended consequences of post-Brexit financial regulation | FT It’s Brexmas! From turkeys to alcohol, how will shortages affect Christmas? | The Observer