There’s your black hole! Minister confirms UK’s paid £24bn for Brexit divorce bill | The London Economic 19/10/2024 In Economy, UK “The actual cost of Brexit dwarfs the reported £22bn ‘black hole’ in Britain’s finances – and the figure’s set to rise further.” #black hold #Brexit #economy #UK UK has potentially lost £44bn in public investment due to Brexit | UK in a Changing Europe Foreign workers and booming service sector reduce Spain’s jobless rate | The Related Posts Rail, ferry and Eurotunnel passengers to Europe face border chaos in 2022, warn transport chiefs | Yahoo News/The Independent Food and drink supplies at risk as staffing crisis looms in Scotland | HeraldScotland UK journalists could face up to 14 years in prison for stories embarrassing the government | The London Economic Brexit: £100,000 of tariffs slapped on Fairtrade bananas from Africa, threatening farmers with ruin | The Independent