Petitions you can support in the campaign to re-join EU | The Rejoin EU Party

With Donald Trump threatening new tariffs on UK exports, Britain faces potentially severe trade difficulties that could shrink the UK economy, raise prices further and hit lower-income households harder. Experts warn that negotiating a UK-US trade deal alone won’t solve the problem, as American protectionism will still likely drive up costs for basic goods and leave UK industries vulnerable.

This is why re-joining the EU and regaining access to the vast European market is so crucial. We must strengthen our economic integration with Europe.

There are two petitions currently ongoing that you might be interested in.

Firstly, there is Robert McMaster’s petition on the official Parliament Petitions website. It already has over 31,000 signatures. If we can help get it to more than 100,000, Parliament will have to debate it.

The second is by pro-EU group Reboot Britain, which has written a paper explaining why the route to sustained stable economic growth lies in re-joining the EU.

You can sign that too by clicking below.

And please also don’t forget to support our own petition on bringing back freedom of movement.

Thanks for your support.

The Rejoin EU Party