Sanchez has pulled off a masterstroke in Spain and shown Europe how to beat back the hard right – Eoghan Gilmartin | The Guardian
Can’t Labour offer more than Brexit and fiscal flagellation? – William Keegan | The Observer
Date Brits will have to pay ‘visa’ fee to enter 30 countries including Spain and Italy | Mirror Online
Does Sunak’s new trade deal really mean we can never rejoin EU? Of course not | The New European
Brexit shift in banks choosing Paris over London help boost France’s exports | Bloomberg
Britons would vote to rejoin EU | YouGov
UK and EU need better security cooperation – or we’ll all be worse off | The New European
EU signs off €1bn deal with Tunisia to help stem irregular migration | The Guardian
It’s an embarrassment that UK is not part of EU’s science programme – and Brexiters know it | iNews
Selling out Britain’s farmers for a deal with New Zealand | The New European