Scottish independence: Independent Scotland’s passports ‘would follow EU layout and be burgundy’ | The Scotsman
Labour Party lose 10k members in just two months | The National
Political paralysis in NI is showing no signs of ending anytime soon | Belfast Telegraph
Sanchez has pulled off a masterstroke in Spain and shown Europe how to beat back the hard right – Eoghan Gilmartin | The Guardian
Brexit regrets reach all-time high – majority now wants to re-join EU | UK Polling Report
Sadiq turns up the pressure on Starmer over Brexit | The Spectator
It’s time to take leaf out of Farage playbook and start shouting about Rejoin | The New European
England needs Scottish Independence – so, let’s take the campaign down south! | Bylines Scotland
Spain elections: hung parliament after conservatives fail to secure expected majority | The Guardian
Sadiq Khan to stand by Ulez amid Starmer pressure | The Independent