‘Sunak and Starmer should be wary of ignoring Brexit’ | NationalWorld
By 46% to 36%, Britons say there should be another EU referendum | YouGov
Support to undo Brexit hits new heights, ahead of ‘March to Rejoin’ | The London Economic
Latest post-Brexit poll of polls shows majority want to be in EU | What UK Thinks
Brexit regrets reach all-time high – majority now wants to re-join EU | UK Polling Report
Survey: Now 58% of Leavers want closer ties with the EU | The New European
Britons would vote to rejoin EU | YouGov
FTSE finance chiefs: Rates, inflation and growth squeeze executives’ confidence
Support for UK to rejoin the EU now at 60%, new poll reveals | The London Economic
Brexit poll: Should UK seek to rejoin EU single market? |