U.K. Brexit Border IT System Plagued by Outages as Queues Build | Bloomberg
‘It’s beginning to look a lot like Brexit’: Britain has missed a world trade upturn | The London Economic
Recent challenges faced by food and drink businesses and their impact on prices | ONS
Brexit: Hike in energy bills partly due to leaving EU, it’s claimed | The London Economic
UK exporters are struggling – and it isn’t hard to see why | The Sunday Times
Gridlock at Dover as lorries wait for disrupted ferry services | The Guardian
The impact of new import checks – “We are facing a perfect storm” | UK Trade & Business Commission
Fresh delay to Brexit checks on EU imports being considered amid costliving crisis | The Independent
UK explores fourth delay to imposing checks on EU imports | Financial Times
Sunak admits UK’s dismal recent trade ‘might’ be linked to Brexit | FT