EasyJet passengers forced back to UK as they’re ‘barred’ from entering Spain ‘because of Brexit’ | Birmingham Live
Sadiq Khan puts pressure on Starmer over EU as he insists no reason to be scared of single-market return | The Independent
City of London chief says Brexit ‘disaster’ cost 40,000 finance jobs | Yahoo/Reuters
Why Starmer’s softer Brexit deal is at bottom of EU’s to-do list | iNews
[EU UK government must say what Brussels ‘re-set’ means, says EU delegation head | The Guardian
What do we do now with monsieur non? | The New European
Airline boss warns passengers could be held on runways due to Brexit border rules | The Independent
Starmer warned EU ‘re-set’ plan to ‘make Brexit work’ not enough to save economy | The Independent
Starmer has already ruled out biggest benefit to UK from his EU ‘re-set’, think-tank warns | The Independent
Of steel and elephants: thoughts on Port Talbot | Bylines Cymru