Brexit trade checks will cost £330m a year. Starmer must revisit this disastrous deal | The Guardian
Lay-offs in Port Talbot are due to Brexit and not Net Zero, says ex-First Minister of Wales, Carwyn Jones | X/Byline TV
UK ‘used to be a leader on climate’, lament European lawmakers | The Guardian
UK environmental protections dropped since Brexit | The Guardian
Who can best use Brexit for their cause – Spain or Catalonia? | East Anglia Bylines
Scottish Government raises ‘availability of food’ concerns over Brexit | The National
There are 79% fewer banking jobs in London since Brexit | eFinancialcareers
UK drug shortages ‘worse than ever’ as Brexit continues to bite | Forbes
Flower expert issues grim Valentine’s Day warning as ‘Brexit could cause shortage’ | Mirror Online
Brexit fallout finally dawns on London’s stock market | Daily Telegraph