Brexit will leave UK £300bn worse off by 2035, say economists | The Independent
Brexit could be key to winning over undecided voters – poll | The London Economic
Pub landlords outraged at Wetherspoons knighthood: ‘Brexit has hurt us’ | iNews
Four years after Brexit, what future forms of relationship with EU would Britons support? | YouGov
Slump of up to 25% in exports to EU hits Scotland in Brexit bombshell | The Herald
What UK wants for Christmas is to get Brexit undone | The Observer
Brexit: ‘I for one will not rest until we rejoin the EU’ – letters | York Press
Christmas drinks just got more expensive, thanks to Brexit | The New European
Johnson prioritised Brexit politics over public health | New Statesman
Hunt says he’s going for ‘growth’, but remains hobbled by Brexit | William Keegan | The Observer