Reeves told she’ll have to raise further £9bn to avoid UK public-service cuts | The Guardian
Reeves faces market wobbles and UK ministers still wanting more | BNN Bloomberg
Budget shows Britons are paying price for Labour’s stubborn refusal to re-join EU | Rejoin EU Party
Foreign workers and booming service sector reduce Spain’s jobless rate | The Local.es
There’s your black hole! Minister confirms UK’s paid £24bn for Brexit divorce bill | The London Economic
Reeves risks market backlash if debt doesn’t stabilize, IMF says | BNN Bloomberg
UK business confidence dips to lowest level since general election | The Guardian
UK spending cuts would damage ‘foundations of the economy’, Reeves told | FT
Inflation set to rise further above 2% target, according to economists | iNews
The £311bn Brexit bill – how much leaving EU will cost UK by 2035 | The London Economic