Labour is failing to learn the lessons of Brexit history | UK in a Changing Europe
Thousands of Britons in France face further Brexit residency hurdle | The Local France
Brussels lowers its expectations for Starmer’s Brexit “re-set” | Politico
Starmer should end UK’s ‘cycle of hesitation’ with EU, says Kinnock | The Observer
EU patience ‘wearing thin’ in Brussels over Starmer’s Brexit ‘re-set’ | iNews
Does Labour really think Trump’s a better bet than the EU? | The Observer
Why EU has modern approach to nationhood, unlike UK’s 18th-century attitude | The Scotsman
Albania has potential to be accession ‘frontrunner’, EU ambassador says | Euronews
Cyprus aims to join Europe’s Schengen visa-free travel zone | Travel & Tour World
‘Move closer to Europe – not Trump’, voters tell Starmer in major UK poll | The Observer