EU exports to Britain jump as trade surplus widens | CityAM
Brüssel beharrt auf Brexit-Regeln: “Wir werden nicht neu verhandeln” | tagesschau.de
EU to Escalate Legal Action Against UK Over Northern Ireland | Bloomberg
The only Brexit export boom is from UK businesses rushing to Europe | The New European
Brexit: The real ‘Brexit dividend’? Minus £800m a week – and counting | The Independent
Brexit-Abkommen: EU erwägt Sanktionen gegen London | Der Spiegel
Brexit cuts UK food and drink exports to EU by almost half | Irish Times
Cornwall gets just 5% of funds needed to cover Brexit costs | The New European
EU threatens ‘swift and firm’ retribution if Johnson violates Brexit deal again | The Independent
EU warns patience is wearing thin on UK’s approach to NI protocol | Irish Times